Gwen 18 Hyd


    The Lost Arc - Shop Front Heroes + Trading For Souls copy

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    B4518, Rhayader

    Exploding Cinema was founded in 1991 in a bunker at the back of a squat – a disused sun tan oil factory in Brixton. At that time it was a gathering of media misfits rejected by the ‘Independent’ film/video establishment who decided that rather than griping about the messed up state of the industry they would stage their own screenings in cafes, pubs and disused buildings and would set about fusing together the isolated and disenchanted fragments of the underground media.

    The Low/No Budget film is the source of so much talent and creativity, but they need a place to be shown. Not a sterile, unfriendly “arthouse” but a relaxed, open environment where the audience can watch, chat, discuss the film and meet film/video makers. As one of the Exploding collective is a mid-Wales native, The Lost ARC has been chosen as one such venue, and so the first Exploding Cinema night in Rhayader is coming!

    This is an open access screening where anyone can show films regardless of subject matter, taste or filmmaking ability. As long as it’s under 20 minutes long we will show it. If you are interested in showing something you have made, please submit it here, adding ‘Lost ARC’ to the film title field.

    There is no preference as to the kind of work…drama, experimental, documentary, splatter, animation, true confessions, protest, pop promos, home videos, found footage… We have facilities for computer video files, DVD, Blu-ray, Super 8, 16mm, Standard 8, VHS, tape/slide, and performance. If you want to bring your own equipment or set up an installation that’s no problem neither.

    Anyone showing work gets free entry +1 to the screening, audience will be charged an entry fee to cover costs.